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Adam in the News

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June 22, 2016

Schiff During House “Sit In” Demands Vote On Gun Violence (Los Feliz Ledger)

(WASHINGTON, DC) - Local U.S. Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) participated today in a "sit in" along with about 40 other Democratic representatives on the House Floor demanding a vote on gun violence legislation. Below are some of his comments. "Like all of you, and like all the American people, I awoke in horror on Sunday a week ago to the news that almost 50 of our fellow citizens and another fifty had been seriously injured. "Now, I know that a lot of our fellow citizens will say - 'well, … Continue Reading

June 20, 2016

Rep. Adam Schiff: After Orlando, Status Quo on Gun Violence ‘Just Not Acceptable Anymore’ (Equality California)

The first real test for the nation's elected leaders after the Orlando massacre comes Monday, June 20, when the Senate takes up four amendments to the Commerce, Justice and Science appropriations bill. In an election year where the presidential race is turning into a referendum on the very nature and ideals of America as a country, the vote is a symbolic clash between representatives of the powerful but unelected National Rifle Association lobby and the will of the people, the majority of whom … Continue Reading

June 16, 2016

Congressman: FBI should keep tracking former terrorism suspects (Sacramento Bee)

WASHINGTON - As lawmakers on Capitol Hill fought over "no fly, no buy" gun restrictions for the fourth day in a row, an influential member of the House Intelligence Committee suggested Thursday that President Barack Obama on his own could give the FBI the ability to monitor terrorism suspects' gun purchases even if they are no longer on government-maintained watch lists. In a letter to the president, Rep. Adam Schiff, the senior Democrat on the Intelligence Committee, said Obama should … Continue Reading

June 16, 2016

Rep. Schiff and Sen. Boxer Introduce Rim of the Valley Corridor Preservation Act in Congress (Crescenta Valley Weekly)

On Wednesday, Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Burbank) and Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-CA) announced they will be introducing the Rim of the Valley Corridor Preservation Act. This legislation would add more than 193,000 acres of the Rim of the Valley Corridor to the Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area (SMMNRA). The Rim of the Valley stretches from the Simi Hills and Santa Susannas, the Verdugos and on to the San Gabriel Mountains. In 2008, Schiff passed the Rim of the Valley Corridor Study Act. … Continue Reading

June 16, 2016

Schiff Calls for Change to Terrorist Database (Los Feliz Ledger)

In light of the worst mass shooting in American history, Congressman Adam Schiff, who represents California's 28th district-which includes Atwater Village, Echo Park, the Hollywood Hills, Los Feliz and Silver Lake-sent a letter to President Obama urging him to take gun control legislation further. In his letter, Schiff voiced his support for the "no fly no buy" policies proposed by the president, which would prevent known or suspected terrorists from purchasing firearms or explosives. He … Continue Reading

June 16, 2016

Top Democrat says Muslim-Americans key to stopping future attacks (Yahoo! News)

Rep. Adam Schiff, the top Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, told Yahoo News that stopping future atrocities like the mass shooting in Orlando, Fla., requires making Muslim-American more "comfortable" about going to the authorities. In an interview broadcast Wednesday on SiriusXM, Schiff also said that he would look into past FBI investigations of the alleged shooter that failed to turn up credible evidence that he posed a real risk. U.S. officials have said online propaganda … Continue Reading

June 16, 2016

Community denounces violence in Orlando (Beverly Press)

Local lawmakers expressed outrage about the shooting and support for the LGBTQ community. Congressman Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) said more gun regulations are needed and assault weapons should not be available to the public. "It was horrifying to wake up to reports of a mass shooting at an LGBT nightclub in Orlando. Our hearts go out to the families and friends of the victims," Schiff said. "I strongly support the reinstatement of the assault weapons ban. I don't think there is any reason for … Continue Reading

June 15, 2016

After Orlando Shooting, Law-Enforcement Agencies Debate How to Stop Lone-Wolf Terrorists (Wall Street Journal)

Federal authorities had investigated Omar Mateen long before he burst into a nightclub and killed 49 people, but the probe wasn't enough to prevent an attack. The failure to prevent the shooting has spurred fresh debate within law-enforcement circles over how to ferret out and stop lone-wolf assailants. Some say current counterterrorism techniques aren't geared toward finding individuals bent on mass violence who lack solid links to terrorist groups like Islamic State. Some law-enforcement … Continue Reading

June 15, 2016

Smart plan to protect Rim of the Valley needs support in Congress: Guest commentary (Pasadena Star-News)

In 2008, President George W. Bush signed legislation I helped write mandating that the National Park Service study the addition of hundreds of thousands of acres to the Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area. The Rim of the Valley, a vast area in the Los Angeles basin stretching through the Simi Hills and Santa Susanas, the Verdugos and on to the San Gabriel Mountains, is a critical bridge between our cities and suburbs to the spectacular wilderness beyond. After the enactment … Continue Reading

June 15, 2016

Dem Senator Frustrated By Inaction on Guns Begins Filibuster (Associated Press)

Washington (AP) -- A Democratic senator on Wednesday launched a filibuster to force a vote on gun control legislation three days after 49 people were killed at a nightclub in Orlando, Florida, in the worst mass shooting in modern U.S. history. Connecticut Sen. Chris Murphy said he would remain on the Senate floor "until we get some signal, some sign that we can come together," as he also evoked the Newton school shooting in his state in 2012. His plea came as presumptive Republican … Continue Reading

June 15, 2016

Lawmakers, frustrated that FBI let Orlando shooter go, mull a second terror watch list (Washington Post)

Lawmakers are growing increasingly frustrated at the FBI's decision to remove the Orlando shooter from the terror watch list in 2014. And their concerns are fueling a new debate about whether the government needs to keep better track of people it once investigated in order to find out when they try to buy guns. The creation of a secondary list for those who were once suspected of terrorist ties or activity could prove very controversial. But some lawmakers note it's the only way … Continue Reading

June 15, 2016

New Rim of the Valley bill could add a nearly 200,000-acre greenbelt around Los Angeles (Los Angeles Daily News)

The Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area could soon double in size to link a vast chain of hills surrounding the Conejo, Crescenta, San Fernando, Santa Clarita and Simi valleys, according to a federal bill introduced Tuesday. The Rim of the Valley Corridor would add 193,000 acres of wild lands, parks and historic sites, including a swath along the Los Angeles River. The Rim of the Valley is the critical bridge between the urban city centers and suburbs in the Los Angeles basin and … Continue Reading

June 15, 2016

Congressional bills would double size of Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area (Los Angeles Times)

U.S. Sen. Barbara Boxer and Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Burbank) want to more than double the size of Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area under legislation filed in both the House and Senate today. The Rim of the Valley Corridor Preservation Act would add 193,000 acres stretching from the Simi Hills and Santa Susannas, the Verdugos and on to the San Gabriel Mountains. "Back in the 70s, Congress had the foresight to know that L.A. was going to grow and preserved a lot of the open … Continue Reading

June 15, 2016

After F.B.I.’s Inquiry Into Omar Mateen, a Focus on What Else Could Be Done (New York Times)

WASHINGTON - Every day, in F.B.I. offices around the country, agents leaf through classified counterterrorism documents on American citizens one last time. They reread informant reports and review surveillance logs. And then they close the case and walk away. It is a weighty decision, one that supervisors closely review. But with up to 10,000 F.B.I. terrorism investigations open at any given time, there is little time for hand-wringing. The nightclub shooting in Orlando, Fla., in which a … Continue Reading

June 14, 2016

Bill would add SoCal's 'Rim of the Valley' greenbelt to national recreation area (KPCC)

The Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area would more than double in size by adding a vast area of land known as the Rim of the Valley if Congress approves a bill introduced Tuesday. The effort to add the mountainous greenbelt has been in the works for years. A study that began about 10 years ago concluded with the adoption of a National Parks Service recommendation earlier this year. However, separate legislation is needed to make the recommendations a reality. Rep. Adam Schiff … Continue Reading

June 14, 2016

Lawmakers introduce bill to add 200,000 acres to Santa Monica Mountains National Rec Area (City News Service)

Two California lawmakers said Tuesday they will introduce a bill that would add nearly 200,000 acres to the Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area. Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Burbank, and Sen. Barbara Boxer, D-Calif., are sponsoring the Rim of the Valley Corridor Preservation Act. The Rim of the Valley stretches from the Simi Hills through the Santa Susana, Verdugo and San Gabriel mountains. The legislation seeks to designate than 193,000 acres of that land as part of the SMMNRA. … Continue Reading

June 13, 2016

'An act of terror and an act of hate': The aftermath of America's worst mass shooting (Los Angeles Times)

Latin Night was wrapping up at Pulse around 2 a.m. as about 320 people danced and drank to thumping reggaeton, salsa and merengue. Minutes later partyers were fleeing into the street. Some clutched gunshot wounds. Others were splattered with the blood of people they didn't know. Some were carried and dragged to safety. Police frantically loaded one injured man into the bed of a pickup truck. Those still trapped in the gay nightclub could only hide. Before the sun rose in the humid … Continue Reading

June 13, 2016

No sign yet that Orlando shooter communicated with terror groups (Los Angeles Times)

Law enforcement and intelligence officials have not yet found evidence of direct communications between Omar Mateen and a known terrorist group, the top Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, Rep.Adam B. Schiff (D-Burbank), said. Investigators are still working to determine whether Mateen had help planning the attack or had told anyone about his plans, Schiff said. The FBI had interviewed Mateen in the past, Schiff said, and now investigators are "scrutinizing his file to determine … Continue Reading

June 13, 2016

Congress Again Faces Questions About Terrorism, Gun Access (Wall Street Journal)

WASHINGTON-The shooting at a gay nightclub in Orlando early on Sunday has reignited congressional debate over terrorism and the country's gun laws, as lawmakers grappled with responding to one of the deadliest shootings in U.S. history. Congressional leaders, including House Speaker Paul Ryan (R., Wis.) and members of the House and Senate intelligence committees, were briefed on the attack Sunday. "We pray for those brutally attacked in Orlando," Mr. Ryan said on Twitter. "While we … Continue Reading

June 13, 2016

Omar Mateen Called 911 From Bathroom, Says House Intelligence Panel's Rep. Schiff (NPR Morning Edition)

Rep. Adam Schiff of California, the ranking Democrat on the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, shares the latest on what's known about the gunman in … Continue Reading

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