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July 21, 2016

Trump’s Critics Are Attacking His NATO Remarks All Wrong (Huffington Post)

WASHINGTON ? Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump set off panic Wednesday night by suggesting he would torpedo America's commitment to its partners in the strongest mutual defense alliance in the world, NATO. Trump's comment that he would judge NATO members' spending on security before helping them face down a potential invasion ? a remark initially made to The New York Times ? took over the news cycle for hours. It played perfectly into widespread doubts about the self-described … Continue Reading

July 15, 2016

LA reacts to France attack: 'The paradise it was — it's finished' (KPCC)

At least 84 people are dead in Nice, France, including at least two Americans, after a truck plowed through crowds at a Bastille Day celebration. French authorities are investigating the incident as a possible terrorist attack. Law enforcement sources told NPR that the driver of the truck has been identified as 31-year-old Mohamed Bouhlel, a French-Tunisian man. It's not clear yet if he had any ties to terrorist organizations. The Los Angeles Police Department said there have been no … Continue Reading

July 15, 2016

Nice attack: terror investigation and impact on French society (KPCC)

At least 84 people are dead in Nice, France, including two Americans, after a truck plowed through crowds at a Bastille Day celebration. French authorities are investigating the incident as a possible terrorist attack. Law enforcement sources have identified the suspect as 31-year-old Mohamed Bouhlel, a French-Tunisian man, though they have yet to find any direct connections to any terrorist groups. "There are public reports out of France this is someone in the midst of a divorce or just … Continue Reading

July 13, 2016

ANCA Welcomes Expanded Leadership of Congressional Armenian Caucus (Asbarez)

WASHINGTON-The Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA) welcomed Representatives Jackie Speier (D-CA) and David Valadao (R-CA) as new Co-Chairs of the Congressional Armenian Caucus - bipartisan additions who will serve alongside current Co-Chairs, Congressmen Frank Pallone (D-NJ) and Robert Dold (R-IL) - as well as the addition of Representatives Adam Schiff (D-CA) and David Trott (R-MI) as Vice-Chairs of the Caucus. "We welcome this bipartisan expansion of both the scope and depth of … Continue Reading

July 08, 2016

Mailbag: Problem is access to guns (Glendale News-Press)

I couldn't agree more with Rep. Schiff's assessment of gun violence and the power of the NRA to dictate legislation (or the lack thereof) regarding guns. And, once again, California leads the way with the recent passage of several sensible gun control bills. But it's not just Californians who support sensible gun control legislation. A large majority of Americans, including gun owners and NRA members, agree that we need universal background checks and that people on the terror watch list … Continue Reading

July 08, 2016

Op-Ed: The Farcical End of the Benghazi Committee (Huffington Post)

More than two years ago, when House Republicans first voted to create a Select Committee on Benghazi, I was deeply skeptical of the motives behind its formation. The terrorist attacks in Benghazi were a terrible tragedy, but having already participated in a lengthy, bipartisan and highly professional investigation in the House Intelligence Committee - one of eight other investigations - I saw little evidence that yet another inquiry could add value. I was also concerned that it was a thinly … Continue Reading

July 07, 2016

Democrat Schiff slams calls to deny Clinton classified briefings (Politico)

Rep. Adam Schiff, the top Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, ripped Republicans for calling on intelligence officials to deny Hillary Clinton briefings as a consequence of the FBI investigation into her emails, calling the demand "as predictable as it is absurd." "Providing an intelligence briefing for the party nominees is a sound practice, and is designed both to prepare the candidates for office and to help them avoid representations during the campaign that may adversely affect … Continue Reading

July 07, 2016

Paul Ryan Asks That Hillary Clinton Not Receive Classified Information as Candidate (Time)

Republican House Speaker Paul Ryan formally requested on Wednesday that presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton not receive classified information from the government during her time as a candidate. Ryan's request follows FBI Director James Comey'srecommendation on Tuesday thatno criminal charges be broughtagainst Clinton over her use of a personal email server as Secretary of State. Comey criticized Clinton and her staff for being "extremely careless" in handling classified … Continue Reading

July 04, 2016

Islamic State’s ambitions and allure grow as territory shrinks (Washington Post)

Massacres attributed to the ­Islamic State have struck on four continents this year, reflecting how the appeal of the group's ideology is growing even as the territory it controls in Iraq and Syria has receded, according to experts. The slaughter of civilians in three large attacks in the past week alone - in Istanbul on Tuesday, in Dhaka, Bangladesh, on Friday, and in Baghdad on Sunday - suggests that militant actions beyond the caliphate's borders are taking place more frequently and … Continue Reading

July 01, 2016

US reveals death toll from terror strikes outside war zones (The Hill)

The Obama administration has conducted 473 drone strikes outside of war zones between 2009 and 2016, killing somewhere between 64 and 116 civilians, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (DNI) said Friday. The DNI also concluded that between 2,372 and 2,581 combatants were killed in those strikes during that time period, which was measured from Jan. 20, 2009 through Dec. 30, 2015. The statistics did not include strikes conducted in Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria, or so-called … Continue Reading

July 01, 2016

The Obama Administration Has Killed Up To 116 Civilians With Drones (BuzzFeed)

WASHINGTON - The Obama Administration said Friday it has killed anywhere from 64 to 116 innocent civilians in its drone wars outside the traditional combat zones of Afghanistan and Iraq. The numbers released Friday are hundreds lower than various independent organizations - including human rights groups and investigative reporters - have estimated them to be. The London-based Bureau for Investigative Journalism, which tracks every U.S.-drone strike in Pakistan, Somalia and Yemen, has … Continue Reading

June 28, 2016

House Republicans issue report on Benghazi attacks but find no new evidence of wrongdoing by Clinton (Washington Post)

A final report issued by the Republican majority committee that investigated the 2012 attacks in Benghazi, Libya, found fault with virtually every element of the executive branch response to the attacks but provided no new evidence of specific wrongdoing by then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. A committee news release said the report "fundamentally changes the public's understanding of the 2012 terrorist attacks that killed four Americans," including the U.S. ambassador to Libya, J. … Continue Reading

June 28, 2016


After a more than two-year investigation, encompassing 33 hearings held in congressional investigations and four public hearings, at an estimated cost of $7 million and counting, Republicans on the House Benghazi Committee on Tuesday released their long-awaited report on the 2012 terrorist attack in Benghazi that resulted in the death of four Americans. With the general election five months away, many predicted that the 800-page report would inflame the already fiery 2016 presidential election … Continue Reading

June 27, 2016

Democrats on Benghazi committee: Panel ‘squandered millions of taxpayer dollars’ (Washington Post)

Evidence collected by the House Select Committee on the 2012 attacks in Benghazi, Libya confirms that Defense Department actions could not have saved the lives of four Americans killed, that then-secretary of state Hillary Clinton was actively "engaged" and responsive during the attack, and that no one in the Obama administration lied about what happened, according to a report issued Monday by committee Democrats. The committee, the Democrats said, "obtained no credible evidence that any … Continue Reading

June 27, 2016

Op-Ed: Congress must stand up to the NRA (Burbank Leader/Glendale News-Press)

I've had enough. How long are we to keep going from mass shooting to mass shooting without something changing? I thought that the movie theater mass killing in Aurora, Colo., would shock the nation's conscience. Twelve were killed and more than 50 injured in only seven minutes during a showing of "The Dark Knight." At the time, it was the deadliest mass shooting since Columbine, also in Colorado. But nothing changed after Aurora. And then I was convinced that the turning point would have … Continue Reading

June 23, 2016

The Final Step to Protect the Rim of the Valley (Crescenta Valley Weekly)

This month, the more than a decade-long effort to expand the Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area (SMMNRA) has taken a critical step forward. Shortly after I was elected to Congress in 2000, community members approached me about the need to preserve the vanishing open space in our region for future generations. So began the lengthy process of passing legislation to direct the National Park Service (NPS) to study an expansion of the SMMNRA, and later turn those recommendations … Continue Reading

June 23, 2016

Democrats Finally Try To Do Something About The Gun Bloodshed (Huffington Post)

WASHINGTON - John Lewis knows blood. And more than 51 years after he led marchers over the Edmund Pettus Bridge on Bloody Sunday in the struggle for civil rights, he knows what it means to take a stand. So it was no mistake that his Democratic colleagues turned to the congressman from Georgia on Wednesday, asking him to lead a new stand by taking over the floor of the United States House of Representatives. He did. And again, it was about blood - the blood that has been spilled over and … Continue Reading

June 23, 2016

Rep. Schiff Speech on House Floor During Sit In Demanding Vote (MyBurbank)

"Like all of you, and like all the American people, I awoke in horror on Sunday a week ago to the news that almost fifty of our fellow citizens and another fifty had been seriously injured. "Now, I know that a lot of our fellow citizens will say - 'well, this isn't gun violence, this is different, this is terrorism' - as if because this is terrorism, as if because this was motivated in part by an allegiance to ISIS, that somehow guns had nothing to do with this terrible loss of life. … Continue Reading

June 23, 2016

Schiff Takes Part in Sit-in (Crescenta Valley Weekly)

Congressman Adam Schiff took part in a sit-in on the floor of the House of Representatives on Wednesday in an effort to force a vote on gun control. Schiff was one of about 100 Democrats in the U.S. Congress who took part in the sit-in. "This is the House equivalent of a filibuster!" said Schiff. "Because enough is enough. The American people demand action, and we must demand it of ourselves!" The action was prompted by the killing of 49 individuals and the injury of 50 more at a mass … Continue Reading

June 22, 2016

Rep. Adam Schiff takes part in Democrats' sit-in on House floor to demand action on gun violence (Glendale News-Press)

Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Burbank) is among the dozens of House Democrats staging a sit-in to demand Congressional action on gun violence in America. "Why do we send troops into Iraq and Syria to take the fight to terrorists, why do we invest billions in our intelligence agencies, but say that dealing with the lethality, the horrible efficiency of shooting with an assault weapon with an extended ammunition clip - that we won't touch, that we won't consider," Schiff said in an address on the House … Continue Reading

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