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April 26, 2016

Schiff: Turks Would Be Psychologically “Devastated” By Admitting Armenian Genocide (KABC)

Turkish intransigence over admitting the slaughter by the Ottoman government of one and half Armenians a century ago continues to frustrate and baffle much of the world. Congressman Adam Schiff says the Turkish authorities are hurting their own people by failing to own up to a dismal chapter in their country's history. "They start to become culpable when they hide the crimes of what went before and are unwilling to make recognition of what their ancestors did, or are unwilling to be part of … Continue Reading

April 25, 2016

Much Of L.A.'s Coastline Could Become A Federally Protected Park (LAist)

A bill proposed in Congress by two Southern California representatives could designate much of L.A. County's coastline as part of a federally protected national recreation area. As the Daily Breeze reports, Ted Lieu and Maxine Waters introduced HR 4871 last month, which would incorporate beaches from Santa Monica to San Pedro, including the Ballona Wetlands in Playa del Rey, into the Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area, which is already federally protected. A "companion bill," … Continue Reading

April 23, 2016

Editorial: Obama's silence on Armenian Genocide speaks volumes on geopolitics (Glendale News Press)

Commemoration of the Armenian Genocide takes place on Sunday, the 101st anniversary of the atrocities that historians tell us began on a spring night in 1915 when more than 200 Armenian intellectuals and civic leaders living in Constantinople were rounded up and imprisoned by the "Young Turks" then in power. Executions ensued, but the Ottoman Turks weren't done. The Armenian Genocide continued into the 1920s, brutally taking the lives of an estimated 1.5 million people. Each and every year, … Continue Reading

April 22, 2016

Despite Campaign Vow, Obama Declines to Call Massacre of Armenians ‘Genocide’ (New York Times)

WASHINGTON - President Obama declined on Friday to refer to the 1915 massacre of Armenians as genocide, breaking a campaign promise as his presidency nears its end. Mr. Obama, in a statement to mark Armenian Remembrance Day on April 24, called the massacre the first mass atrocity of the 20th century and a tragedy that must not be repeated. Yet he stopped short of using the word genocide, a term he applied to the killings before he became president in 2009. "I have consistently stated my own … Continue Reading

April 22, 2016

California congressman 'gravely disappointed' Obama doesn't recognize Armenian slaughter as genocide (Los Angeles Times)

Burbank Democratic Rep. Adam Schiff said Friday morning that he was "gravely disappointed" that President Obama didn't call the century-old massacre of 1.5 million Armenians genocide. "For a president who knows the history so well, who spoke so passionately about the genocide as a senator and presidential candidate, and who has always championed human rights, the choice of silence and complicity is all the more painfully inexplicable," Schiff said in a statement. The White House released a … Continue Reading

April 05, 2016

Burbank congressman wants Census Bureau to count LGBT community (Los Angeles Times)

U.S. Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Burbank) is asking Congress to encourage the U.S. Census Bureau to collect more data on lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender Americans, saying the information is needed to write better policy. Seventeen California members joined Schiff and other representatives in a letter to the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice, and Science Tuesday, asking the committee to support the data collection as part of the fiscal 2017 appropriations bill. "The … Continue Reading

April 02, 2016

Schiff Condemns Azerbaijan’s Military Assault Against Nagorno Karabakh (Asbarez)

WASHINGTON-Representative Adam Schiff (D-CA), the Ranking Member of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, on Saturday released the following statement: "I am deeply disturbed by and condemn this terrible new escalation in Azerbaijan's aggression against Nagorno Karabakh in the form of a significant military assault which killed 18 Armenian soldiers and at least one civilian - a young boy. That this attack comes just hours after Azerbaijan's President Ilham Aliyev returned from … Continue Reading

April 01, 2016

How California lawmakers dominate oversight of U.S. spy agencies (McClatchy)

Three disparate California lawmakers lead Congress' oversight of the U.S. spy services, sharing secrets but not the same spin. One is a former San Francisco mayor and the state's deal-making senior senator. Another comes from the rural Central Valley, holding a master's degree in agriculture. The third is a Harvard Law School-trained former federal prosecutor with statewide political ambitions. When terrifying things happen, from Brussels to San Bernardino, these congressional overseers get … Continue Reading

March 31, 2016

Online voting open for Congressional Arts Competition (Glendale News-Press)

part of a Congressional Arts Competition for young artists sponsored by Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Burbank), online voting for the People's Choice winner is available through Wednesday. To vote, visit The winners of the competition will be announced at 3 p.m. on April 10 in Van de Kemp Hall at Descanso Gardens. The hall is located at 1418 Descanso Drive in La Cañada Flintridge. Parking and admission will be free. Prior to the announcement of the … Continue Reading

March 30, 2016

Schiff honors inspiring women from the 28th District (Beverly Press)

Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Burbank) on March 18 honored a group of inspiring women from communities in his 28th Congressional District. Schiff is pictured with Woman of the Year honorees (standing from left) Helen Leung Jamie Keyser Thomas, Kelly Erickson, Kimberly Holland, Pauley Perrette, Abbe Land and Dr. Frieda Jordan, as well as (seated from left) Patricia A. Anderson, Karen Barnett, Dolores Diaz-Carrey, Janet Diel, Cheryl Revkin and Linda S. Pura. "I met with nine women with varying … Continue Reading

March 30, 2016

Schiff seeks funds for early warning system for earthquakes (La Canada Valley Sun)

Reps. Adam Schiff (D-Burbank) and Susan DelBene (D-WA) on Wednesday pressed the House Appropriations Committee for increased federal funding to build and maintain an early warning system for earthquakes along the West Coast. Schiff and DelBene were joined by 39 of their Congressional colleagues in sending the committee a letter that calls for $16.1 million in the Fiscal Year 2017 Interior and Environment Appropriations bill, almost double the $8.2 million that had been approved for Fiscal … Continue Reading

March 24, 2016

Congressman Schiff and Astronaut, Colonel Wheelock Visit Pilibos Armenian School (Asbarez)

LITTLE ARMENIA - On March 10, 2016 Douglas H. Wheelock, Colonel, USA, RET, NASA Astronaut visited Rose and Alex Pilibos Armenian School. This assembly was initiated and arranged by one of our very own 9th graders, Aren Melkonian. Aren's curiosity and drive led him to discover a program offered through Congressman Schiff's office where once a year, the Congressman visits a local school and brings with him a NASA Astronaut. Aren emailed the Congressman's office and patiently anticipated for … Continue Reading

March 24, 2016

Provide Input on Legislation to Preserve and Protect the Rim of the Valley (Crescenta Valley Weekly)

People who live in and around Los Angeles have access to the best of both worlds - urban city centers and activities, as well as vast wilderness areas where we can hike, play and learn. In fact, we are unique in the U.S. - millions live just minutes away from nature, and many of us have the mountains at our doorstep. Because of this unique mix of urban areas and wilderness, we have wildlife roaming the hillsides - like P-22 who visits Griffith Park, or Meatball the Bear who wandered into our … Continue Reading

February 26, 2016

Congress Warily Eyes Apple-FBI Standoff (Wall Street Journal)

WASHINGTON-As the fight heats up between Apple Inc. and the Justice Department over investigators' push for access to a locked smartphone, Congress has waded in warily to see if it can broker a compromise or bolster the argument of either side. But lawmakers say Congress is unlikely to muster a solution anytime soon, because of the presidential election and sharp divisions between lawmakers who stress privacy and those who prioritize national security when it comes to encryption. Rep. … Continue Reading

February 25, 2016

Spy leaders: Libyan politics complicating anti-ISIS fight (The Hill)

Efforts to establish a capable central government in Libya have complicated the Obama administration's efforts to root out the growing base used by the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS), top intelligence said on Thursday. The are "a spectrum of political views" within the two competing factions trying to control Libya, Director of National Intelligence James Clapper said in a House Intelligence Committee hearing. "There is, to the extent there can be in Libya, a fair amount of … Continue Reading

February 22, 2016

Trump Calls For Apple Boycott, But Lawmakers Don't See Clear Path In iPhone Case (NPR)

As Apple and Justice Department lawyers duke it out in court over the government's attempts to force the tech company to unlock the iPhone of one of the San Bernardino killers, there are calls for a legislative solution in the debate that pits privacy against national security concerns. But the chances of Congress coming up with what would almost certainly be a controversial solution to a highly complex issue in an election year seem remote. In part, that's because no one can figure out how … Continue Reading

February 18, 2016

Rim of the Valley a real victory for local recreation (San Gabriel Valley Tribune)

It's good to see the National Park Service has finally weighed in on the proposed Rim of the Valley with a recommendation to add 170,000 local acres of wild lands, parks and historical sites to the Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area. Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Burbank, has been working on this addition for eight years now, and there were frustrating times when it seemed that nothing would ever happen in this latest attempt to carve out in perpetuity recreational areas amid the … Continue Reading

February 16, 2016

Park Service Wants Rim of the Valley Corridor Added to Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area (Santa Monica Patch)

The National Park Service formally recommended Tuesday that 170,000 acres of the Rim of the Valley Corridor that encircles valleys of Los Angeles and Ventura be added into the Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area. The recommendation was made as part of the "Rim of the Valley Corridor Special Resource Study." A draft of the report released last year evaluated four alternatives for protecting mountain lands in the roughly 650,000-acre study area, which surrounds the San Fernando … Continue Reading

February 16, 2016

A new proposal would vastly increase protected Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area (Los Angeles Daily News)

The National Park Service on Tuesday recommended adding 170,000 acres of wild lands, parks and historical sites to the Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area as part of the Rim of the Valley study initiated more than eight years ago. The addition, which would double the size of the recreation area, includes a narrow stretch along the urban shores of the Los Angeles River and its tributary, the Arroyo Seco; the Verdugo Mountains above Glendale; the San Rafael Hills; foothills of the … Continue Reading

February 16, 2016

What you need to know about the Rim of the Valley proposal (KPCC)

The amount of land managed by the National Park Service in Southern California would increase by 170,000 acres if Congress approves final recommendations submitted on Tuesday for expanding the boundaries of the Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation area. Congress tasked the National Park Service in 2008 with studying the feasibility of adding the so-called "Rim of the Valley " corridor to the land the agency manages. Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Burbank), who originally sponsored the bill … Continue Reading

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