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September 07, 2016

Is Moscow meddling in the presidential election? (USA Today)

by Susan Page

Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, and state election offices in Arizona and Illinois can be traced to the Russian government itself or hackers sanctioned by it. But the president this week declined to threaten Moscow, or even directly declare it responsible. "We've had problems with cyber-intrusions from Russia in the past, from other countries in the past," Obama said after meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin during the G20 conference in China. But he didn't suggest … Continue Reading

September 05, 2016

U.S. investigating potential covert Russian plan to disrupt November elections (Washington Post)

by Ellen Nakashima

U.S. intelligence and law enforcement agencies are investigating what they see as a broad covert Russian operation in the United States to sow public distrust in the upcoming presidential election and in U.S. political institutions, intelligence and congressional officials said. The aim is to understand the scope and intent of the Russian campaign, which incorporates ­cyber-tools to hack systems used in the political process, enhancing Russia's ability to spread disinformation. The … Continue Reading

August 30, 2016

Key Islamic State official killed in Syria, group says (Los Angeles Times)

by Laura King, Nabih Bulos and W.J. Hennigan

Lone wolves and Islamic State's most lethally trained operatives alike heeded his words -- and turned them into bloody deeds. Abu Muhammad Adnani, whose death was announced Tuesday by the extremist group, was a chief architect of its war against the West. He exhorted European-born fighters to commit attacks on home ground rather than joining the fight in Syria and Iraq - and pointed the way for those with no ties to the group to embrace "martyrdom" on its behalf. Adnani was killed while … Continue Reading

August 26, 2016

Climate Change and Its Impact on California Wildfires (Crescenta Valley Weekly)

by Rep. Adam Schiff

The summer months in California bring with them a devastating but familiar threat - fire. This season is unfortunately no different as six active fires continue to burn across the state. That number would be even higher were it not for the swift and effective response from firefighters throughout California working to protect people, their homes and our natural resources. With nearly one hundred homes destroyed, in addition to historic landmarks in the area, the Blue Cut Fire was a … Continue Reading

August 23, 2016

Gun violence discussed at townhall sponsored by Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Burbank (LA Daily News)

by Marianne Love

Loren Lieb remembers the summer day gun violence changed her family's life. It was Aug. 10, 1999, when Buford Furrow walked in to the North Valley Jewish Community Center in Granada Hills and opened fire. Five people were injured, including Lieb's son. The gunman later killed a postal worker. "You send your children to camp and you expect them to come home with a scratched knee or sunburn. You don't expect them to be shot," Lieb said as she spoke to a crowd gathered for a townhall on gun … Continue Reading

August 23, 2016

Congressman and constituents come together to quell gun violence (Beverly Press)

by Edwin Folven

Congressman Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) joined constituents and gun control advocates for a town hall meeting on Tuesday to discuss and strategize about ways to save lives and keep guns out of the hands of dangerous people. The meeting at the Los Angeles Zoo's Witherbee Auditorium was part of Schiff's "Conversations With Your Congressman" series aimed at informing residents about important issues such as the rising wave of shootings throughout the United States. Perhaps no topic is as crucial to … Continue Reading

August 17, 2016

Top Dem downplays Trump’s classified intel briefing (The Hill)

by Mark Hensch

Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) says Donald Trump's first classified national intelligence briefing will likely have few sensitive details. "I think it will be very topline," he said Wednesday on MSNBC. "I think it will go, frankly, not much beyond what you would find on MSNBC, CNN or Fox any day of the week when you turn in to hear a national security discussion." Schiff, the top Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, said there would be little information capable of jeopardizing … Continue Reading

August 15, 2016

A 1,550-mile bike ride to fight for more names on the Vietnam memorial, with an assist from a congressman (Los Angeles Times)

by Sarah D. Wire

Del Francis passed the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall on the National Mall on Monday, but wouldn't stop. The names of the 74 sailors he served with on the destroyer Frank E. Evans aren't there. "I don't consider it complete, and I consider it a disservice to the 74 men. They deserve to be on the wall with their brothers. They died just like the rest of them," he said. The 74-year-old veteran completed a 1,550-mile bicycle journey from his home in Sulphur Springs, Texas, to the U.S. … Continue Reading

August 13, 2016

Dem: White House should 'levy consequences' against DNC hackers (The Hill)

by Joe Uchill

The top Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee is upping his push for the Obama administration to reveal more information about the hacks of Democratic organizations. "I have every confidence that law enforcement will get to the bottom of this, and identify the responsible parties," Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) said in a written statement. "And when they do, I hope the Administration will disclose who is attempting to interfere with the American political process, and levy strong … Continue Reading

August 11, 2016

Schiff: If Foreign Actor Hacked DNC, It Should Come With ‘Serious Consequences’ (Morning Consult)

by Amir Nasr

Rep. Adam Schiff, the top Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, said Thursday that he and the committee were briefed on the reported hacking into various Democratic campaign organizations, but they "cannot confirm the substance of the briefing or attribution." The California Democrat's statement comes as the Federal Bureau of Investigation probes allegations that the Russian government was behind hacks into the Democratic National Committee and the Democratic Congressional Campaign … Continue Reading

August 07, 2016

Dem glad 'partisan' Benghazi probe 'finally done' (The Hill)

by Jessie Hellmann

Rep Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) says the House Select Committee on Benghazi was a failed partisan exercise, and he's glad the effort is finally over. "We had a fairly silent, ignominious end to this committee. It's real purpose... was to drive down Secretary [Hillary] Clinton's poll numbers," Schiff told host John Catsimatidis on "The Cats Roundtable" on Sunday. "It was pretty much just a partisan exercise," he continued. "That was a terrible abuse of a select committee - a taxpayer-funded … Continue Reading

August 02, 2016

Promoter and Art Curator Lenora Claire Is Fighting to Change Stalking Laws (LA Weekly)

Lenora Claire is the sort of person who seems to know everyone in Los Angeles. Bring up any subject that interests you and chances are she'll mention a handful of folks you should meet. Claire is essentially a counterculture curator whose presence has been felt in nightclubs, art galleries and, now, in reality television, where she works as a producer. For years, she has brought together her large, overlapping networks of locals together for purposes of fun. As a club promoter, she helped … Continue Reading

August 01, 2016

Op-Ed: Responding to A Cycle of Violence in our Nation (Los Feliz Ledger)

Last month, two black men, Alton Sterling and Philando Castile, were shot to death by police officers in Baton Rouge and Minnesota, their deaths recorded on graphic and deeply disturbing video. Soon thereafter five brave police officers in Dallas, who were protecting a peaceful protest, were ambushed and killed. And just last week, three more police officers were killed in Baton Rouge in yet another ambush. Individually, each of these incidents would be appalling enough. Taken together, they … Continue Reading

July 31, 2016

Why Russia Keeps Getting Away With Hacking America (Bloomberg)

Since 2014, President Barack Obama's administration has punished three of the four states considered the top cyber threats to U.S. computer networks: China, Iran and North Korea. The curious exception is Russia, the country experts and Hillary Clinton's campaign say was behind the hack of the Democratic National Committee. While senior U.S. officials have called out Russia in broad terms for its increasingly aggressive behavior in U.S. cyberspace, the U.S. has only once tied Russia to a … Continue Reading

July 30, 2016

U.S. Wrestles With How to Fight Back Against Cyberattacks (NYT)

ASPEN, Colo. - It has been an open secret throughout the Obama presidency that world powers have escalated their use of cyberpower. But the recent revelations of hacking into Democratic campaign computer systems in an apparent attempt to manipulate the 2016 election is forcing the White House to confront a new question: whether, and if so how, to retaliate. So far, the administration has stopped short of publicly accusing the Russian government of President Vladimir V. Putin of engineering … Continue Reading

July 29, 2016

Pressure Grows on Obama to Name DNC Hackers (The Daily Beast)

ASPEN, Colorado - Pressure is mounting on the Obama administration to publicly identify the source of a cyber attack against the Democratic National Committee, which law enforcement and intelligence officials say has been traced to Russia and appears to be part of a campaign to meddle with the presidential election. This week, a bipartisan group of lawmakers-as well as former intelligence officials, retired military officers, and security experts-urged President Obama to call out Russia for … Continue Reading

July 28, 2016

Top Dem: ‘I don't believe for a minute’ Trump was joking about Russia (The Hill)

PHILADELPHIA - The top Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee is rejecting the idea that Donald Trump was "being sarcastic" when he encouraged Russia to track down and release Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton's private emails. "I don't believe for a minute that they were meant as a sarcastic comment," Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) said at a national security panel at the Democratic National Convention on Thursday. "Before he tried to walk them back, he doubled down … Continue Reading

July 28, 2016

Trump comments raise new concerns about intelligence briefings (USA Today)

WASHINGTON - Donald Trump's entreaty to Russian hackers to find rival Hillary Clinton's deleted e-mails has renewed the debate over a decades-long tradition of providing major presidential candidates with classified intelligence briefings. Trump told Fox News Thursday that his comment - which drew a firestorm of protests from the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia - was simply a sarcastic reference to Clinton's e-mail scandal. But the mere suggestion that a foreign adversary be … Continue Reading

July 28, 2016

Unlocking Our Origin Story On Jupiter (Crescenta Valley Weekly)

On a clear night you can see our solar system's largest planet, Jupiter, with the naked eye. But for all its size and relative proximity, much still remains unknown to scientists about the gaseous giant. With the recent arrival of NASA probe Juno into Jupiter's orbit that is about to change. While America was celebrating its Independence Day earlier this month, NASA was celebrating its own milestone - the successful arrival of the Juno mission to Jupiter after an incredible five year, 1.7 … Continue Reading

July 27, 2016

Dems urge Obama to release info on Russian links to DNC hack (The Hill)

Key Democratic lawmakers on Wednesday urged the White House to publicly release any information about Russia's alleged involvement in the hack of the Democratic National Committee's (DNC) emails. "Given the grave nature of this breach and the fact that it may ultimately be found to be a state-sponsored attempt to manipulate our presidential election, we believe a heightened measure of transparency is warranted," Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) and Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) wrote in a … Continue Reading

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