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Press Releases

November 15, 2021

Congressman Schiff on President Biden Signing the Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal Into Law

"President Biden came into office at the beginning of this year with a straightforward mandate: to build America back better, through physical infrastructure and investments in people that could lift up American families and set them on a path to a more prosperous future. Today, he delivered on the promise of modernizing and upgrading our roads, bridges, broadband, schools, hospitals, energy and water infrastructure in a way that will create jobs, grow our economy, fight climate change, and … Continue Reading

November 11, 2021

Congressman Schiff on Veterans Day

"Our veterans and service members represent the very best America has to offer - demonstrated through their unyielding courage and a love of country that knows no bounds. Their willingness to put everything on the line to defend our nation and uphold our values deserves nothing less than our utmost respect and gratitude, today and every day. That is why I will never stop working to ensure that when they return home, these brave individuals have all of the tools and resources they need to … Continue Reading

November 06, 2021

Congressman Schiff on Passage of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill

"In California, like much of the country, we have fallen too far behind and too many of our roads, bridges, and schools are crumbling. But today, Congress took tangible action to invest in our country's infrastructure and put our communities on a pathway to thrive, because building modern roads, bridges, schools, hospitals, water, and electric grid infrastructure is a vital part of building a better economy - one that works for everyone. The investments made by the bipartisan infrastructure … Continue Reading

November 04, 2021

Schiff, Feinstein, Huffman, DelBene, Colleagues Urge USDA to Improve Standard of Care for Captive Marine Mammals

Today, Congressman Adam Schiff (D-Calif.), Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) and Representatives Jared Huffman (D-Calif.) and Suzan DelBene (D-Wash.) led a group of their colleagues in calling for improvements to outdated standards of care for marine mammals in captivity. "Nearly four decades have passed since the USDA last updated key elements of the handling and care standards for marine mammals in 1984," the members wrote in a letter to Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack. "Since then, … Continue Reading

November 03, 2021

Congressman Schiff on Senate Failure to Pass the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act

"There is no right more fundamental, more vital, and more sacred to our democracy than the right to vote - it is what separates a democracy from an autocracy, a free nation from a despotic regime. Today, far too many Senate Republicans failed to put our democracy first - and instead, made it clear that they would prefer to pick their voters, rather than let their voters pick them. "It is time for Congress to start legislating like our democracy is on the line - because it is. It's time to end … Continue Reading

November 02, 2021

Congressman Schiff on FEC Ruling Allowing Foreign Money in U.S. Ballot Initiative Campaigns

"That the Federal Election Commission plans to throw open the doors of our democracy to foreign money and interference is utterly incomprehensible, and would establish a dangerous precedent ripe for abuse. This ruling would potentially chart a new path for adversarial governments to interfere in our democratic process for their own gain. It would be a tremendous mistake for the FEC to purposefully weaken our electoral system so egregiously. "We have seen the consequences of foreign … Continue Reading

November 02, 2021

Schiff, Fitzpatrick, Underwood, Bush Introduce Legislation to Keep Families and Pets Together in Public Housing

Today, Representatives Adam Schiff (D-Calif.), Brian Fitzpatrick (R-Penn.), Lauren Underwood (D-Ill.), and Cori Bush (D-Mo.) introduced the Pets Belong with Families Act - a bill that would prohibit vague and sweeping restrictions against dogs based on breed or size, allowing families to keep their beloved pets in the home. "For millions of Americans, pets are cherished members of their families. But far too often, pet owners are forced to make impossible choices between their beloved … Continue Reading

October 26, 2021

Schiff, Padilla Introduce Legislation to Make Access to Equitable Health Care a Protected Civil Right

Today, California Democrats Congressman Adam Schiff and Senator Alex Padilla introduced the Equal Health Care for All Act, bicameral legislation to address the racial inequities in America’s health care system by making equitable medical care a protected civil right. “The COVID-19 pandemic has laid bare the many inequities that plague our society and particularly health care system – and it’s exposed just how catastrophic those inequalities are for Black, Brown, and … Continue Reading

October 22, 2021

Congressman Schiff on Facebook Whistleblower Allegations

"These new allegations from a former Facebook employee are a further indication that the company is too willing to look the other way as hateful, false, and dangerous content flourishes on the platform. If public reports based on a new whistleblower account are true, this is deeply irresponsible behavior from a widely-traded company. "It is increasingly urgent that Congress act to conduct rigorous oversight of Facebook and other social media platforms - so we can increase transparency and … Continue Reading

October 21, 2021

Congressman Schiff on Contempt Vote in the House

"As Congress reconvened in the hours after the violence of January 6, there was a chance for moral clarity, when members of both parties could have come together to recognize that horrible day for what it was: a bloody insurrection designed to overturn a free and fair election. That moment of lucidity quickly gave way, as many Republicans now endeavor to rewrite history and diminish the threat posed by that insurrection to the very pillars of our democracy. "Today's vote to hold Steve Bannon … Continue Reading

October 20, 2021

Congressman Schiff on Legislation to Hold “Troubled Teen” Industry Accountable

Today, Congressman Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) issued the following statement after a press conference with Rep. Ro Khanna, Rep. Rosa DeLauro, Sen. Jeff Merkley, and Paris Hilton to introduce the Accountability for Congregate Care Act: "For too long, bad actors in the troubled teen industry have been allowed to prey on desperate parents and vulnerable children, and make child abuse their business model. Children have an unequivocal right to the protection of their physical, social, and emotional … Continue Reading

October 19, 2021

Congressman Schiff on Criminal Contempt Charges

"Steve Bannon was given every opportunity to comply with the committee's lawful subpoena and provide information important to the American people. And yet he chose to ignore his duty as a citizen and hide behind a specious claim of executive privilege. "Mr. Bannon's unwillingness to cooperate with our committee leaves us no choice but to hold him in criminal contempt - and refer his case to the Justice Department for prosecution following a House vote. Despite what Mr. Bannon and Mr. Trump … Continue Reading

October 18, 2021

Congressman Schiff on Passing of General Colin Powell

"General Colin Powell was a man of deep intellect, courage and patriotism, whose life was defined by service to country. His determination to do good made him an exceptional leader and public servant. America will miss him dearly - but his incomparable legacy will live on. My prayers are with his family and friends, and those he inspired to … Continue Reading

October 17, 2021

Congressman Schiff on Union Agreement for Behind-the-Scenes Crew Members

"I am pleased to hear that both sides were able to negotiate and come to a fair agreement that will improve wages, working conditions, and benefits for the behind-the-scenes crafts workers who play an instrumental role in creating the magic of Hollywood. Ensuring crew members are able to do their work with respect for and acknowledgement of their contributions is paramount. As our nation continues to recover from the pandemic, the motion picture and television industry has lifted people's … Continue Reading

October 15, 2021

Reps. Schiff, Watson Coleman, Barbara Lee, Jones Reintroduce PrEP Assistance Program Act

Today, Representatives Bonnie Watson Coleman (NJ-12), Barbara Lee (CA-13), Adam Schiff (CA-28) and Mondaire Jones (NY-17) reintroduced the PrEP Assistance Program Act to make the preventative HIV drug PrEP more affordable and accessible to underserved and high-risk populations. The bill would provide grants to cover medication costs, clinic and testing fees, physician visits and community outreach programs. Although PrEP has been available for several years, many Americans lack access to and … Continue Reading

October 12, 2021

Congressman Schiff on Extending the Debt Limit

"Tonight, my Democratic colleagues and I took the responsible act of averting a default, which would have been catastrophic for working families. But to our continuing dismay, Republicans refused to govern responsibly and pay our bills. We must never allow our country to default and fail to meet the commitments we've made to seniors, veterans, and communities - especially not as our economy is still recovering from the pandemic. Now that Democrats have averted a GOP-made crisis, we continue to … Continue Reading

October 04, 2021

Congressman Schiff on Orange County Oil Spill

"More than 125,000 gallons of oil have spilled into the Pacific Ocean near Orange County, endangering coastal communities and harming the aquatic plants and wildlife that call our coastline home. "This catastrophic spill shows just how perilous offshore drilling is for our country, and how it directly undermines efforts to mitigate the destructive effects of climate change. "We cannot allow reckless action by oil companies to ravage our coastline for even a moment longer. The risk - to … Continue Reading

September 30, 2021

Schiff, Padilla and 121 Members of Congress Call for Improved Wages and Working Conditions for Behind-the-Scenes Entertainment Workers

Today, Congressman Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) and Senator Alex Padilla (D-Calif.), along with 121 Senators and Members of the House sent a letter to the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers urging the association to negotiate collaboratively and in good faith with Hollywood craft workers advocating for improved wages and working conditions on movie and television sets. Behind-the-scenes workers such as camera operators, cinematographers, editors, and art directors - the engines of … Continue Reading

September 30, 2021

Schiff Includes Provision in Intelligence Authorization Act Ordering Intelligence Report on Ongoing, Potential Threats to Armenia and Artsakh

Today, Congressman Adam Schiff (D-Burbank), Vice-Chair of the Congressional Armenian Caucus included a measure in the 2022 Intelligence Authorization Act, which was passed out of the House Intelligence Committee this afternoon, requiring an unclassified report on the likelihood of future military action within the Southern Caucuses -- including Azerbaijan, Armenia, and Nagorno-Karabakh. "Despite Azerbaijan and Armenia's ceasefire agreement, unprovoked and ongoing Azerbaijani aggression … Continue Reading

September 30, 2021

Congressman Schiff on Passage of Continuing Resolution

"A government shutdown would have been catastrophic for working individuals and families, and Democrats in the House and Senate acted with prudence to avert what would have been an avoidable and unnecessary crisis. Once again, Republicans failed to govern, and instead put a cynical desire to gain political power ahead of the American people. "Now that we've averted a shutdown, we must turn our full attention to passing the Build Back Better Agenda in its entirety: both the infrastructure and … Continue Reading

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