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May 31, 2024

Schiff, EPA Announce Over $91 Million in Rebates for Clean School Buses Across California

Washington, D.C.— In case you missed it, Representative Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) and the Biden-Harris Administration announced the recipients of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) 2023 Clean School Bus Program rebate competition. The selectees include multiple schools in the Los Angeles area.

The rebates, totaling $91,230,000 for California, will help selectees purchase 380 clean school buses in 47 school districts across the state. This program is a crucial step in California’s journey towards improving children’s health and tackling harmful air pollution, replacing older, diesel-fueled school buses linked to student and community health issues.

“For far too long, diesel buses have been a major source of pollution, negatively impacting both our environment and the health of our children. Today, I am proud to support the EPA in announcing that several schools in Los Angeles will receive funding from the Clean School Bus Rebate Program to transition to cleaner, electric buses,” said Rep. Schiff. “The Clean School Bus Program not only supports our fight against climate change but also provides a healthier, safer ride to school for our kids.”

In September 2023, the EPA?announced at least $500 million in available funding nationwide for its 2023 Clean School Bus (CSB) rebates. After receiving an overwhelming number of applications from school districts nationwide, including from low-income communities, Tribal nations, and U.S. territories, the EPA doubled?the initial available funding in this round to nearly $1 billion.

Read the full announcement from the EPA here.


Last week, Schiff introduced the Clarifying E-Rate Act of 2024, which would expand Wi-Fi access to school buses by making them permanently eligible for E-Rate funding, a program that provides discounts to schools and libraries for affordable telecommunications and internet access. Last year, Schiff reintroduced the See the Board Act, legislation directing the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to make grants available for nonprofit organizations that provide cost-free, mobile vision services for students in public elementary and secondary schools.
