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August 30, 2017

Rep. Schiff Introduces Amendment to Prohibit Expenditure of Secret Service Funds to Businesses Owned by First Family

Washington, DC – Today, Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) announced he will be introducing an amendment to the Department of the Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act that would prohibit the payment of Secret Service funds to entities owned or operated by the President or his immediate family. According to USA Today, the President and his family’s frequent visits to locations owned by the Trump Organization have put an unprecedented strain on the Secret Service’s budget and manpower. Based on General Accountability Office (GAO) estimates of comparable travel from previous administrations, each visit to a Trump Organization location by the President and his family costs an estimated $3 million. Much of this money is paid to the Trump Organization itself, including a substantial amount for the rental of golf carts – at an estimated cost of $60,000  to taxpayers - and other expenses necessary for security.

The immense honor and responsibility of serving as President of the United States should never be exploited for profit or personal gain,” said Rep. Schiff. “That the Trump Organization is profiting off the Secret Service is an abuse of taxpayer money and an improper method of enrichment.”

The Department of the Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies Appropriation Act allocates funding for government programs for Fiscal Year 2018. The bill will be considered by Congress in September.