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March 24, 2009

Libby Nardo Named a "Woman of the Year" in the 29th Congressional District

Official Seal of the US House of Representatives

Tuesday, March 24, 2009 Contact: Sean Oblack (202) 225-4176

Libby Nardo Named a “Woman of the Year” in the 29th Congressional District

Washington, D.C. – On Saturday at a reception in Pasadena, Representative Adam Schiff honored Libby Nardo for her commitment and service to Burbank by naming her a “Woman of the Year.” 

“With such an exhaustive catalog of community commitments, it is no wonder Libby is known among her peers as a model of volunteerism,” said Schiff. “As a proud Burbank resident, I can attest to how lucky we are to have Libby as a member of our community.”

When Libby moved to Burbank with her family 55 years ago, her eldest son started school and she started a lifetime of community service. Having begun with Boy & Girl Scouts, Little League, and general church maintenance and bookkeeping, she is now a city-appointed representative of the Senior Citizens’ Board of Burbank, co-leader of St. Finbar Catholic Church’s venerable service group, the Italian Catholic Federation, and an essential member of the Joslyn Senior Center’s leadership team. Libby’s ubiquitous presence is astounding: she serves on numerous boards and committees, volunteers with substance abuse prevention and youth literacy programs, and is a dependable and approachable community leader.

Libby is known for her willingness to take on any task, from chairing the Annual Thanksgiving Dinner for over 200 poor and elderly Burbank residents to distributing refreshments at the yearly Senior Prom. Four mornings a week Libby becomes her own travelling food bank. After a quick stop at the nearby market, she sorts and distributes baked goods to local aid and senior centers, churches, and the Salvation Army.

She has previously been honored with both a 20-year service award and a Presidential Lifetime Service Award, and I am pleased to applaud her today.

Every March, during Women’s History Month, Rep. Schiff honors one outstanding woman from each of the communities in the 29th Congressional District.  These women come from all walks of life and represent the thousands of women who make a positive impact in our region.  While there are no specific criteria for nomination, Rep. Schiff looks for women who — through their work or volunteerism — have improved the quality of life for our community.

Rep. Schiff represents California’s 29th Congressional District, which includes the communities of Alhambra, Altadena, Burbank, Glendale, Monterey Park, Pasadena, San Gabriel, South Pasadena and Temple City.