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July 20, 2010

Schiff Secures Funding in Appropriations Bill for Job Training Program

Washington, DC –Today, Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) announced that the Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education Appropriations bill includes $180,000 to provide for the instruction offered in Glendale Community College's partnership with Glendale Water & Power and the Verdugo Workforce Investment Board to develop the Infrastructure/Water and Power Academy.

“Job growth is critical to our country’s economic recovery, and this partnership will help prepare residents to obtain a good paying job in a field with a high demand for trained technicians,” Rep. Schiff said. “The bill still has several more legislative hurdles to clear, but inclusion of the funding in the measure is a very positive step.”

The comprehensive program will include training for linemen, power generating operations, electrical power engineering, water treatment and waste management in an intense, 16-week training program.

“Glendale Community College is really excited about the opportunities that this additional funding will provide, and we appreciate the continued support from Rep. Schiff as we collaborate with partners in the community to produce a more educated workforce,” said Dr. Dawn Lindsay, the President of Glendale Community College. “Expanding our curriculum to increase training for jobs that are currently available will help our students become employed quicker and expand economic independence within our community.”