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May 22, 2024

Schiff Leads Letter Calling for Guaranteed Income Pilot Program to Improve Health Outcomes for Low Income Families

Washington, D.C.— Today, Representative Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) wrote a letter urging the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) to adopt a new guaranteed income pilot program to help improve health outcomes for qualifying low income individuals.

Schiff’s letter emphasizes the urgent need for the federal government to better address health disparities among low income individuals which are further exacerbated by income inequality rising and costs. Schiff’s letter also highlights how a targeted model would provide valuable insight and comprehensive data on the potential long-term health benefits of such a program.

“Families across the United States are experiencing significant financial stress due to the sky-rocketing cost of living and growing income inequality. Undoubtedly, the stress that results from income volatility can exacerbate – and, at times, lead to – poor health outcomes. Guaranteed income payments to low-income beneficiaries would alleviate financial stress and likely improve health outcomes among beneficiaries and those in their households. To that end, we strongly urge the Innovation Center to explore, design, and implement a new payment model aimed at improving health outcomes by providing financial certainty to beneficiaries through guaranteed income payments,” Schiff wrote.

“That is why we strongly urge CMS, through the Innovation Center, to adopt a new APM that addresses health consequences caused by income volatility among low-income beneficiaries through guaranteed income payments. Such a model would provide valuable insight and comprehensive data on the potential long-term health benefits of financial stability among vulnerable populations,” Schiff continued.

The proposed pilot program seeks to create a safety net that allows qualifying beneficiaries to maintain consistent access to health care, housing, food security, and other essential services, ultimately aiming to reduce health disparities rooted in economic inequality.

See the full text of the letter here.
