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August 11, 2011

Schiff Hosts Roundtable Discussion on Economic Competitiveness, Start-ups and Visas

Pasadena, CA – Rep. Adam Schiff (CA-29) hosted a roundtable discussion with local business leaders, entrepreneurs, and Caltech faculty and students at the Caltech Avery Library yesterday, focusing on our economic competitiveness, the environment for start-ups and the impact of visa policies in Southern California and across the nation.

Every year, many graduates from our nation’s top universities, such as Caltech, have no other option but to return to their country of origin at the expiration of their student visas. Many of these students – the best and the brightest – have graduate degrees in Science, Technology, Engineering, Math (STEM), and other related fields. Unfortunately, due to the lack of U.S. immigration options, these tremendously talented individuals are being forced to take their entrepreneurial ideas and build on them in foreign countries, boosting those economies instead of our own. Rep. Schiff plans to introduce a bill this Congress to address this critical issue.

“As the nation continues to struggle with a sluggish economy, we must make every effort to speed-up our recovery,” Rep. Schiff said. “The loss of American-educated talent only contributes to our economic problems, and we should do all we can to retain those who hold highly-coveted STEM degrees and want to stay in the U.S., start a new business, and hire U.S. workers by encouraging them to make the U.S. their home.”
