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October 23, 2018

Schiff and Kennedy Place Friendly Wager on Dodgers-Red Sox World Series — Sushi vs. Shellfish

If Red Sox Win World Series Pennant, Sushi Dinner is on Schiff; if Dodgers Win, Shellfish Dinner is on Kennedy

Washington, DC — As the Los Angeles Dodgers and Boston Red Sox prepare to face-off at Fenway Park in Boston tonight, Reps. Adam Schiff (D-CA) and Joe Kennedy III (D-MA) today announced that they placed a friendly wager on the outcome of the series. The winner of the bet, along with the staff of both offices, will be treated to a seafood dinner from the loser’s state: sushi from California or shellfish from Massachusetts. Schiff represents the areas bordering Dodger Stadium, while Kennedy represents the areas surrounding Fenway Park.

“I grew up not far from Fenway as a long-suffering Boston Red Sox fan, and it is a sign of how deeply devoted I am to my constituents that I will be rooting for the Dodgers. In the last Dodgers-Red Sox matchup one hundred years ago, the Red Sox won. This time, it’s going to be Dodger Blue all the way,” said Schiff. “It’s been 30 years since the Dodgers won the series, which may not seem like that long to Sox fans, but as a point of reference, it’s almost as long as Joe has been alive. All of which is to say, we’ll soon be eating lobster courtesy of the gentleman from Bean Town.”

“This World Series really comes down to one simple question: which team has Mookie Betts? Luckily, it would be the one with 115 wins this year and a 12-2 record in the World Series since the turn of the century,” said Kennedy. “Unless Adam has shared some deeply classified information that I can’t access with Dave Roberts, my staff and I will be figuring out why LA insists on eating raw fish in a few weeks.”

This is the second year in a row the Dodgers have made it to the World Series — last year, they lost game 7 to the Houston Astros, and they are determined to beat the Red Sox to win their first World Series Championship since 1988. The Boston Red Sox “reversed the curse” when they won baseball’s championship 2004, after 86 years without a World Series Pennant, and they went on to win in 2007 and 2013. The only time these two teams have met in the World Series was in 1916, and Boston took the title that time.
