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September 11, 2021

Congressman Schiff on the 20th Anniversary of the September 11 Terrorist Attacks

“Twenty years later, the memory of September 11, 2001 is indelible, as is the fear and anguish our nation experienced in the deadliest attack in our history.

“Through the horrors of that day, the character of our fellow Americans was revealed. In the passengers and crew aboard United Flight 93 who laid down their lives in order to save countless others. In the first responders in New York and the Pentagon who ran into burning buildings to bring people out. In the thousands of volunteers who helped the injured and endangered to safety, the heroism we witnessed revealed the true character of our nation, and the ties that bind us as Americans.

“We cannot forget the sacrifices and loss of the next twenty years, and we pay tribute to the men and women who have served our nation, and have risked everything to prevent another such tragedy from striking our shores. We owe them and their families a debt we can never repay.

“Today and every day, our hearts are with the loved ones of all those we lost on September 11 and in its aftermath. We will never forget their stories, their legacies, or their courage." 
