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November 06, 2014

Wall Street Journal: Obama's Letter to Iran Rattles Congressional Nerves

Michael R. Crittenden and Carol E. Lee of the Wall Street Journal report on nuclear talks between the United States and Iran:

Mr. Obama secretly sent letter sent last month to Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, according to people briefed on the communication, The Wall Street Journal reported.

Lawmakers — especially Republicans, but also many Democrats  — want to have a say in any agreement that comes out of international nuclear talks by a Nov. 24 deadline. Secret communications between the administration and Tehran are likely to raise eyebrows.

The White House, asked about that during Thursday’s news briefing, said the president also holds secret talks with Congress about talks with Iran.

Rep. Adam Schiff (D., Calif.), who sits on the House Intelligence Committee, said the Obama letter underscores the White House’s belief “that this may be the one and only opportunity to resolve this nuclear issue through negotiations.”

“At the end of the day, the president wants to be able to say he made every effort he could to get an acceptable negotiation,” Mr. Schiff said. If the talks fall apart, he added, there’s likely to be a “rapid escalation” of tensions between Iran and the West.

Ultimately, the Ayatollah “is unlikely to be moved by any personal communication or appeal,” he said

To read the full article, please click here.

By:  Michael R. Crittenden and Carol E. Lee
Source: Wall Street Journal