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October 18, 2015

Democrat: Benghazi committee leaking damaging information on Clinton (The Hill)

Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.), a member of the House Select Committee on Benghazi, says the panel has often leaked damaging information in order to derail former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign.

“The way that this committee has operated is by leak of damaging information with only one objective, and that is all the leaks have a common denominator, all of the leaks are designed to hurt Secretary Clinton,” Schiff said on NBC’s “Meet the Press” on Sunday.

Schiff said the committee, which is investigating the 2012 terrorist attack, has “no reason for existence” other than to damage Clinton.


By focusing primarily on Clinton’s private email server, he said the panel has not learned anything new about what caused the attack and how to prevent another one in the future.

“What do we know about Benghazi that we didn’t know when this investigation started?” Schiff asked.


“The fact is … after 17 months, four-and-a-half million dollars, we have nothing new to tell the families, apart from that there was a private email server,” he continued.


“That doesn’t tell us anything about Benghazi.”


Schiff said he thought Clinton’s decision to maintain a private email server during her tenure as secretary of State was a “mistake,” but did not break federal law.