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October 28, 2014

Crescenta Valley Weekly: Schiff, Feinstein and Boxer Urge White House to Fully Fund Earthquake Early Warning System

Mary O'Keefe of the Crescenta Valley Weekly reports on the funding request for the Earthquake Early Warning System:

This week, Rep. Adam Schiff along with Senators Dianne Feinstein and Barbara Boxer, urged President Obama and the White House’s Office of Management and Budget, to provide the highest possible funding level for earthquake hazards programs in their 2015 budget request – most specifically, additional funding for an earthquake early warning system being developed by scientists in Southern California and along the West Coast. 

Earlier this year, Senator Feinstein and Rep. Schiff were able to secure $5 million, for the first time, in initial funding toward further development of the system.  As they stated in an Los Angeles Daily News op-ed, “in the current political climate, funding is never guaranteed, and we will redouble our efforts to secure funds before the end of this session of Congress.” The House and Senate are expected to take up appropriations measures during the lame duck session in November and December.

“Every few months, we are reminded about the West Coast’s vulnerability with tremors and small earthquakes rattling our homes and businesses. It’s absolutely critical that the U.S. maintains its vigilance and expertise in earthquake preparedness – and this funding would help us on that road.  I’m very hopeful that when the House and Senate meet to work out the appropriations issues, we will be able to secure final funding for this vital program,” said Rep. Adam Schiff. “When we consider the lives that would be spared if we have just a little bit of warning before the next big one, it’s a very small but prudent investment.”

To read the full article, please click here.

By:  Mary O'Keefe
Source: Crescenta Valley Weekly