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Entertainment Industry

“American entrepreneurs invest time, money, and talent in the next great works of music, film, art, literature, and technology. These creators expect and deserve to be compensated for their work and skill, both at home and overseas. To assure the continued creation and distribution of music, movies, software, and books, we must ensure that our artists, creators, and producers are paid for their work."

– Rep. Adam Schiff


California’s 30th Congressional District is home to Hollywood, the entertainment capital of the world – and representing this iconic industry and those who work in it is a critical element of Rep. Adam Schiff’s work in Congress. Every individual who works in the entertainment sector – from filmmakers to stagehands to writers to performers – deserves to have their intellectual property protected and their interests represented in Washington. Adam is proud to be their voice in Congress, fighting to ensure that this vital industry continues to thrive in the digital age.

Supporting Anti-Piracy and Intellectual Property Protection

The American music, film, software, gaming, and book and journal publishing industries are among America’s top exporters, and millions of jobs depend on their continued international leadership. Americans must not be forced to subsidize the content that others steal. Likewise, American businesses should not be forced to compete with foreign companies that cut production costs by using unlicensed software or pirated scientific articles.  
Adam founded the International Creativity and Theft Prevention Caucus, a bipartisan bicameral caucus whose goal was to increase awareness and understanding of the creative industries and to advocate for policies, at home and abroad, that prevent the theft of copyrighted materials.


Standing Up for Entertainment Workers

Throughout the pandemic, Adam fought to ensure that all workers – even those with nontraditional employment like contractors, freelancers, and gig economy workers – could access the expanded unemployment assistance provided under the COVID relief bills. Many of those individuals and families who work in the entertainment industry were excluded from initially receiving assistance because they earned a living through a mix of self-employment and traditional jobs. Adam introduced the Mixed Earner Pandemic Unemployment Assistance Act, which was eventually included in the final COVID relief bill. 
Adam has also led efforts in Congress to stand up for Hollywood unionized craft workers advocating for improved wages and working conditions on television sets. In 2021, Adam and Senator Alex Padilla urged the entertainment studios to ensure that all workers had sustainable benefits, increased living wages, and reasonable rest periods. After Adam’s advocacy, the workers reached a more equitable long-term contract.


Working with Private Industry to Crack Down on Pirate Sites

Adam, as the co-chair of the International Creativity and Theft Prevention Caucus, has called on the major players in the advertising space to encourage them to study the problem, adopt best practices, and operationalize their commitment to keep advertising off sites dedicated to theft. Adam continuously urges these major players to provide updates detailing the concrete steps currently underway to evaluate “digital ad assurance” technologies.  
Adam believes that the private sector plays an important role in reducing copyright infringement and has worked diligently with good actors in the online payment and advertising spaces to cut off funds to sites that profit by stealing the Intellectual Property of American creators.  


Extending and Expanding the Film Tax Credit

Adam has led efforts in Congress to extend California’s film tax credit, including in 2014 when he led an effort with 28 members of the California Democratic Delegation urging the leaders of the California State Senate and Assembly to reauthorize and enhance the tax credit. A June 2013 study by the California Film Commission found that feature film production in the state was far down from previous highs due to runaway production. The Office of the Legislative Analyst recently found that only 52 percent of film and television jobs are in California, down from 65 percent just a decade ago. After advocacy by Adam and other Members of Congress, the State Legislature took up and passed an extension and expansion of the state’s film tax credit in 2014. Adam continues to fight to keep industry jobs in California.